MJ & Her About Me

This is unfinished and unproofread. I wrote this at work and now it's 3 in the morning. Come back... I dunno, whenever.

To be honest, while I’m very happy to be enabled to yap about every facet of myself, I’ll be forward and say there isn’t a lot I actually do. The bulk of my time is spent balancing my time between vibing (often just rotting in the endless social media scroll or rolling in my current solitary fixation) or trying to spend equal time between all of my partners. Maybe I’ll play a game for them to watch, or vice versa, maybe I’ll pop on an album to listen to… y’know, normal people stuff. It’s nothing I mind—aside that I wanna get off social media one day—so don’t take this as self-deprecation, I’m living a happy life, but do keep in mind that I’m fairly ordinary in practice!

That said, my current primary output to this world is mellow electronica music. Think like what you might hear in an indie video game, I suppose, it’s at least adjacent to that. As of now I only have one compilation out—Solitudinarian Archives—which consists of my shared work from 2022 to mid-2023. Crazy how it’s turning a year old in just a few days, time flies!! I’ve not honestly made much since then though, just had a couple ideas on the backburner. Maybe next year?

On the topic of video games, I’m a Steam achievement collector. Specifically not a hunter. It’s not a title I hold in high regard, it’s mostly going through shovelware games with purposefully easy achievements to up the numbers on an external website. Or my profile, if Steam considers it a real game, which is getting rarer and rarer these days. I used to be in the top 100 for completed games and still am for collected achievements outside of SAM cheaters, totaling at 1.5k and 1.2m (yes, million) respectively. I don’t do it much these days since it’s very often not fun, especially with the amount of hentai slop on the storefront these days, and the only reason why I haven’t dropped it entirely is because I can’t refund it at all anymore. May as well play the things, even if it’s more regretful than anything. It’s gotten me a lot of cheap yet actually indie games though, and some nice free ones, so it’s far from all bad.

I’m currently relearning GameMaker (GML) and slowly picking up Godot (GDScript), but have nothing to show for it yet. Aside some drawn-penis-laden project I made with high school friends, which I think I’d rather just not show! @~@ I took a class on Python fundamentals but would need to touch up on it again to confidently say I know it.