MJ & Her Homepage

My OC, Meredith. A navy blue-haired wolfgirl with seafoam green tips
Character by me, art by BeesInMySkull

Welcome to my corner of the internet!

I'm MJ & Her Absolution, but please just call me MJ! Or Myra, if that suits your fancy. mjn is more just a username I namesnipe if it's available.

I'm a genderfluid young adult (they/she) from the East Coast with more interests than I can act upon——I'm a mellow electronica composer, I'm a top achievement collector, I'm a plushie collector (though specifically fumos,) I'm a cybersecurity major, I'm quite polyamorous but closed so don't get any ideas, I'm a former niche internet microcelebrity... above all, I am a professional wannabe. If you need a self-description far less concise, do feel free to read my About Me!

At the moment, I don't have a lot on this website. I'm honing my HTML and still learning CSS; this website here is about the peak of my current ability. And like, I'm *sure* it doesn't work on mobile or smaller displays. I'll get there eventually, but for now, this site is best viewed on a 1080p monitor with Firefox.